Previous journey posts here:
This time last year, we were experiencing secondary infertility. I had recently been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and probable Endometriosis. None of the fertility medications I had been trying were working. I was starting to think we might not ever have any more children, which was something that we wanted more than anything.
In January, we started seeing a fertility specialist. The doctor warned us that with the particular medications/injections I would be taking, there would be a 2-5% chance of us conceiving multiples. I've always wanted twins! I knew the chances of us being in that 2-5% were slim, let alone the procedure working at all, but I still had hope. I remember pouring out my heart to Heavenly Father one night. Telling Him that I knew everything was in His hands, and that I accepted the fact that we may not have any more children, but I also told Him of my deepest desire. Twins.
Tears of joy now roll down my cheeks as I write this post. Heavenly Father truly does hear and answer prayers!
Here are our miracles:
Ryan and Lyla
The birth story:
(Just a warning, this is very long... I just want to be able to read this in the future, and remember all of the little details!)
It all started Sunday evening (exactly 38 weeks pregnant). I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions for nearly a month, but that evening, they started to feel different. With each contraction I got a mild back cramp. As the night went on the back pain became worse. Thinking that I was might be experiencing back labor, I called the nurse. She told me that I didn't need to go to the hospital until my contractions were 5 minutes apart.
Sunday night, I started having a lot of anxiety and was so nervous for the c-section. Jared gave me a blessing. I instantly felt calm, and that everything would work out okay. I continued to labor all day Monday. The painful contractions came every 7-8 minutes. By Monday night, the intensity of the contractions increased, and they were coming every 6 minutes. No sleep that night! By 6:00am Tuesday (Dec 9th), it was time for us to leave for the hospital for our scheduled c-section, and my contractions were coming exactly 5 minutes apart. Perfect timing... except we got stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital. I always joked that if I ever got pulled over during my pregnancy, I could just "fake labor" to get out of a speeding ticket. This time I really was in labor! ...and almost had Jared speed along the shoulder of the road in order to get to the hospital on time. However, we were able to find some back roads to take to the hospital so we only ended up being 10 minutes late.
I was wheeled into the OR. It was a small, cozy, room, and surprisingly I was very calm. I looked around the room and saw two little beds where the twins would be cleaned and observed, and my eyes teared up. Twins. This was really happening! All of the nurses were so friendly. I received the spinal tap, and my body instantly went numb. A sheet was hung in front of my face so that I couldn't see what was going on. Before I knew it, Jared was by my side dressed in scrubs. Our phones, which were in his pocket, were connected via FaceTime to our parents (who were in Chile and Utah) so they could hear what was going on, and every once in a while Jared pulled his phones out of his pocket so they could see too.
It took a few minutes to get through the scar tissue from my previous c-section with Kyler. We waited in anticipation. Our Doctor said "I'm trying to get baby girl out first, but it looks like baby boy is trying to come out first, so I guess he wins!" and just like that I heard his first cough and perfect little cry. A second later we saw our Baby Boy's adorable face for the first time as they lifted him over the sheet for Jared and I to see. The tears of joy came flooding! I will never ever forget that moment.
Baby girl was breech and a little more difficult to get out. Two minutes later, Doc said "She's out!" and Baby Girl was immediately taken across the room. The nurse said "She is just fine, just needs a little stimulation and her airway cleared...her arms were criss crossed above her head... that's why she was a little more difficult to get out." and then we heard Baby Girl start coughing/crying from across the room. They brought her over for us to see... she was beautiful! Everyone commented on how "good sized" our twins were. They were healthy. I was so happy and loved them instantly!
In the recovery room, we talked names. During my pregnancy, we decided on a few of our top names, (okay more like 20) but I kept changing my mind on what my favorites were, so we decided that we would give them their official names in the hospital...when we could see them. We decided on:
Ryan Cole and Lyla Belle
Ryan, wasn't even on my "favorite names" list to begin with, but when I read it on Jared's favorite names list, it stuck out to me; so I added it to mine too. When Jared and I were dating, we chose a star (the center star on Orion's belt) to be "our star" so that when I went to school in Hawaii for a semester, and Jared stayed at school in Idaho, we could both look at the same star while talking on the phone every night...haha I know, sooo cheesy! Anyways, the name Ryan reminded me of that memory, and I loved it for that reason. The name Ryan also just happened to be Jared's favorite boy name, so it worked out! His middle name, Cole, was going to be Kyler's middle name, but we decided to use "Jared" for Kyler instead.
Baby girl's name was a little more difficult. I had too many favorites! The name "Lyla" made it to both of our favorite names lists the same night. Near the end of my pregnancy we heard the name "Lyla" on a TV show. We both looked at each other and just thought it was cute! Throughout the remainder of my pregnancy my favorite baby girl names changed frequently, but Lyla always remained on the list. Lyla was near the top of Jared's list too, so again, another name we could agree on! Her middle name, Belle, was Jared's idea- "because she is our Southern Belle born in North Carolina". We also considered the name "Eve" as her middle name, but thought "Lyla Belle" had a nice ring to it (no pun intended haha).
So Ryan Cole and Lyla Belle it is!
An hour or two later, we were moved to our hospital room where we stayed for 3 days.
On Wednesday and Thursday, my sister in-law (Courtney) brought Kyler to the hospital to meet his siblings, and she also snapped some beautiful pictures for us:
Kyler kept telling us "I want to hold the blue one!" Clearly, he has a favorite twin haha. The next day we wrapped Lyla in Ryan's blue blanket, and Kyler didn't know the difference. I guess we'll be cross dressing her for a while so she doesn't feel left out ;)
On Wednesday, our nurse asked me who would be doing Ryan's circumcision. I replied "Doctor Hightower, I think." She looked at me with a puzzled expression, and said "I'm sorry, there aren't any doctors with that name here." Jared then saved the day with the correct doctor's name. After the nurse left, I asked Jared "Where did I get Doctor Hightower from?" Then it hit me. Doctor Hightower was the doctor on the TV show I had been watching a few weeks ago... that's pain meds for ya!
One morning, the pediatrician came in at 6:00am to do the babies' checkups. (Sooo early right?) Anyway, it had been a rough night, and somehow Lyla ended up in Ryan's bed with Ryan's paci... I knew it but didn't know how to tell him that the baby he was examining wasn't the baby he thought it was...I was still half asleep. So I just watched him from my hospital bed, and his reaction to seeing what was inside (or should I say wasn't inside?) "Ryan's" diaper was hysterical. "Oh woah! Um. Okay then! Twin sister, right." was what he said.
The twins are healthy and perfect. We love our family, and feel so blessed!

They are absolutely perfect! I am partial to the name Lyla, although my little ones name is spelled Lilah. It is a beautiful name. Congrats on the birth of the twins.
ReplyDeleteWow I couldn't help but tear up reading this! So amazing to see how heavenly father blessed your beautiful family! I am a twin so it also may do with the fact I have a partial! I am two minutes older then my sister and never let her forget it, be prepared ;) Congrats to you guys!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see that it all worked out great. Hugs to you all.
ReplyDeleteyou really did look so beautiful through it all. what a happy family and beautiful miracle to witness come you look like having twins is easy?!?!?! amazing.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, how precious!!! Congratulations!
ReplyDeletethey are PERFECTION! seriously. the pictures, the story, everything. i love it. congrats to you and your BIG family!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS!!!!! I just love this post! What a wonderful celebratory celebration!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your little miracles!!!! they are just perfect!!!