These two are 2 months and are starting to smile and coo when we talk to them...oh I LOVE this stage!
...and then 2 minutes of picture taking and they were DONE!
Their 2 month check-up went well! Ryan is 11 pounds 4 ounces and Lyla is 10 pounds 13 ounces. Both are 22 inches long. I can't remember the exact head measurements, but Lyla's was 1 cm bigger.
Kyler was hilarious at the appointment and kept trying to tell the doc what to do! Jared had to work, so my friend Kristine helped me out at their appointment and was a life saver! It was so sad when they got their shots....2 screaming babies ahhh!
We played at Sports Connection last weekend with some good friends, and Kyler had a blast!
Snuck a stalker pic on the way into church on Sunday... love this view :D
Why do dad's always get the best smiles? Pretty sure I'm the one that keeps these two fed everyday haha.
Sock hands everyday ^^
Lastly, check out this cute little anklet on this adorable tiny foot!
I seriously love these little bracelet/anklets. They are adjustable so they are easy to get on and off, and can expand as your baby grows! They are by PrettybyJL ...check it out. She's so friendly and processes and ships orders so quickly! I'm a fan.

They have the sweetest little cry faces!! And smiles, of course :) I've always wondered that about Dads, too, getting the big smiles... ;P