Anyways, last Sunday, Jared blessed the twins at church! They were sick on their original blessing date, so they ended up being blessed about a month later than we had planned, but it's all good! They were just a little heavier than most when they were being held in the circle. Jared said his arm started cramping up haha. This picture was taken a month ago when I first tried their blessing outfits on them:
...and this one was taken this week (a friend made those outfits...she is amazing!)
So tuckered out after being blessed :)
We forgot to take a family picture outside the church :( So I forced the family into it when we got home:
Delicious cookie cake some friends of ours brought over after the blessing :)
Jared works from home on Fridays, and his lunch break got turned into airplane rides around the kitchen the other day hah
Jared works from home on Fridays, and his lunch break got turned into airplane rides around the kitchen the other day hah
We started doing yard work Friday evening, and then it got dark, but we kept going...until it was 9pm. Kyler should have been in bed, but he was being so good, and was so cute trying to help! Our neighbors probably thought we were nuts, but it was actually fun! It was the perfect temperature, and there weren't any wasps out to sting Jared (he's allergic-like needs an EpiPen allergic).
My biggest fear is snakes, and I almost accidentally raked one in half!
...but Jared came to the rescue and promptly put it in the neighbor's yard hah.
I walked into the bathroom after bathing the twins one day to find Kyler bathing his balloon LOL. I wonder when he will outgrow liking balloons so much.
If you can fit your fist in your mouth then you are a genius...
We call this "The Wall of Wonder" a friend lent it to me (I think her sister made it? I forget) anyways, the twins LOVE it, and will just be perfectly content staring at it. I also have a couple infant brain patterns hanging above their changing tables... they just stare at them and smile- pretty neat :)

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