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13 April 2015

I'm just going to do a massive iPhone picture dump now. I feel like there is never enough time, so I'll make this brief and just caption a few of the pictures for memories sake.

Kyler's preschool crafts
We've been letting them sleep in the same bed occasionally lately

moving is exhausting! (also our blue carpet is pretty rad haha)
pizza on the floor, classic moving dinner.

my everyday

Easter is not complete without peeps

Twins' first General Conference
Everyday view of the car

Kyler loves putting lotion on the twins

Found a whole oreo in his cookies and cream ice-cream!

Pinterest toy organization idea...didn't realize until I got home that I got christmas colors. oops
"All About That Bass" was the #1 song the day the twins were born...and Lyla is all about it! hah.
Jared put a swing up in the playroom and now Kyler basically lives in there.

1 comment:

  1. Play room looks awesome. Kyler looks like such a great big brother


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