The twins have been a part of our family for 7 months now! Things are going good here in NC. It's hot, but we've been cooling off in the pool lately. Jared finishes his wake forest MBA program near the end of August! We can't wait for him to be done! Kyler has been enjoying his little summer camp/preschool program he goes to twice a week, and I have been busy with the twins and keeping up on house work- it's crazy how much dirty laundry the twins can create in a day, and how many dishes we can go through hah.
I love these 7 month pictures I snapped of the twins :) I don't know how much they currently weigh, because we haven't been to the doctor in a while (thank goodness! and knock on wood) but Lyla is still definitely bigger. I feel like Ryan is (finally) starting to fill out though!
They still aren't sleeping through the night, but I've gotten pretty good about sleep walking to their room and popping binkys back in their mouths, so it's hard for me to remember how many times I was up the night before. They are still waking up for a feeding at about 4am, but I have a feeling we will be able to get rid of that soon, because they'll only nurse for a few minutes and fall right back to sleep.
They've been eating well! Ryan still eats almost twice as much baby food as Lyla. They're still nursing 5 times a day, and then we typically try and give them one bottle of formula in addition.
A behind the scenes from our little photo shoot- Kyler was trying to act like a baby... not a bad impression! They are hard to take pictures of.
Kyler has been stuck to my side like glue the past few months. He would rather help me with the babies than play with his toys any day. Bedtime for him has been a struggle for a while now. He's smart, and comes up with every excuse in the book to get us to stay in the room a little longer with him, but we stick to our routine, and he has a sticker chart that helps (sometimes). I just have to look at the big picture most nights, and remember that he won't be little forever, and pretty soon he's going to be coming up with every excuse in the book to kick us out of his room faster haha.
He got this little Buzz Light Year toy from filling up his sticker chart recently (usually his prizes aren't this fancy) but he loves it, and tells us "when I leave the room and sleep, buzz talks and walks!"
Ryan and Lyla have been stealing each other's binky's right out of their mouths lately lately- so funny! They haven't learned to retaliate yet; they just cry. I love how Lyla's face is so innocent in this picture after she pulled Ryan's binky right out of his mouth.
They inch/roll around the room now, and are both getting so close to crawling! I've been trapping them in the packNplay lately so they don't get in to everything- time to baby proof!
Lyla loves grabbing our's cute but hurts so bad haha
She is such a daddy's girl!
I found this on Pinterest the other day and love it :)
A few years ago, I actually memorized The Family: A Proclamation to the World, word for word. It's long, but it wasn't hard to memorize- I love it!
Our dinner entertainment lately
Starting to hold their bottles :)
Oh this yummy Belle(y)!
We've also been hanging out with my parents a lot lately! Pool, frozen yogurt, walks around the neighborhood, church events, dinners, shopping trips- you name it! We've been making up for lost time :) My dad watched the twins while Kyler and I took a ride on the Merry-go-round the other day. Kyler was trying so hard to do a good smile- looks forced though :D
We had a great 4th weekend! On friday we hung out with some good friends, and on Saturday we went over to my parents' house.
The babies loved watching the fireworks!
All 3 kids were out like lights by the time we got home.
Morning snuggles with big bro.
Kyler switches back and forth between which twin he plays with the most. I try and get him to play with both evenly, but kids will be kids! These past 2 weeks he has been loving on Lyla especially lately. Too cute, I remember when he used to only want to hold Ryan!

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