Let's back up. I still haven't put the twins 6 month stats up here (and they'll be 7 months next week eek!).
Ryan 14lbs 1oz. (less than 5%) Height 25 inches (less than 5%)
Lyla 15lbs 8oz. (40%) Height 26.5 inches (60%)
We're all so confused as to why Ryan is so much smaller, because he eats nearly twice as much as Lyla. Typical guy metabolism I guess :p They are both still nursing great! I have also started giving them a bottle of formula occasionally when we are out of the house during a feeding. They've also both been doing great at eating solids! I've been trying to make the majority of the twins' baby food, because store bought baby food is a joke. Don't get me wrong, it's convenient, and we still buy it, but it's over priced, and doesn't taste nearly as good... not that the twins know the difference haha but I guess my biggest reason for making it, is because I like to! So far, we've made some fruit/veggie purees like: sweet potatoes, peaches, avocados, green beans, and bananas! We do the ice cube tray method...I get these ideas from Pinterest!
My parents came home from their 2 year church mission in Chile a few weeks ago! What a reunion that was! I'm pretty sure all of us girls had happy tears rolling down our cheeks. My parents have now officially met 3 out of the 5 new grand babies that were born while they were away. I know it was hard for them to not be there when they were born, but I can honestly say that our family has been blessed in so many ways, while they were serving the Lord, and we've seen many miracles in our lives because of their service!
It's been SO good to have them home again! Courtney and I (and the kids) went on a last minute trip to the beach with them last week. A few sunny days at the beach was just what we needed.
Check out that bee we didn't see until after the pic. Andie is all staring at it like "Duh guys, you don't see it?"
We saw the craziest wall cloud while we were there! I love watching storms roll in... especially ones over the ocean:
I love that my SIL snapped this pic. I had to crop out my neon pink pj pants, non makeup got-no sleep-last-night- face and ratty ponytail hair (haha it was scary ya'll- I did you a favor). but that's the reality of what I look like most days, and this is what my arms are full of all day, and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Oh this happy Ryan boy!
...and adventurous Ky Guy!
...and this Lyla Belly! I can't stop munching on that delectable tummy!
We've gone to the pool several times now! This twin float is pretty cool, but the twins are still a little small for it, so it's a tad bit stressful taking them out in it!
Courtney cut my hair! I seriously was so sick of my long hair. Short hair is so much easier!
The twins are finally sitting up on their own!
...well most of the time, they still topple over pretty easily!
Father's Day 2015:
He teaches Sunday School to the 8 year olds at church (voluntarily). On Father's Day, his co-teacher was gone, so I stepped in the class to help out. I LOVED listening to his lesson.
My children are so lucky to get him for a daddy!
One last thing... several friends have asked me about Lyla's recent hip x-ray:
She had her hips x-rayed a few weeks ago, because her previous x-ray (standard procedure for breech babies at 6 weeks old) showed some slight angulation problems. I was hoping that she would be "in the clear" now and we wouldn't have to see the specialist again, but it looks like she still has some angulation and they would like to keep an eye on it as she grows. We saw the pediatric orthopedist yesterday, and she showed us Lyla's x-ray. She said they like the hip angle to be symmetrical, and under 20 degrees. Lyla's was 21 degrees on her left side and 23 degrees on her right side. Also, her hip socket is smaller on one side. The doc said that right now, it's not a big issue at all, and told us not to worry. We'll take her back for another x-ray in 9 months.
Here is google images of what a normal baby hip x-ray should look like:
Here is Lyla's x-ray (ps look at her chubby thigh rolls showing up on the image :D :D )
This is what a baby with hip dysplasia x-ray would look like:
I'm a visual person, so I hope that helps explain what I was talking about! Lyla's hips don't have any serious problems at all right now, but because she does have some slight angulation differences and asymmetry, they want to keep doing x-rays as she grows to make sure her hips are growing properly and she doesn't develop hip dysplasia.

Hey I was researching this twin pool float and am wondering what age do you think would be good to start using it? My twins will be 9 months this summer and I'm hoping to take them to the pool by myself, but I'm thinking they may be a little young still for it. Part of me thinks of getting two of the single floats with a canopy. Does it tip at all when you take 1 baby out?
ReplyDeleteI would recommend it for 11+ months. The holes the babies sit in are pretty big so if your baby does not have good control/strong muscles it would be easy for them to put their faces in the water. We had to have two people watching them at all times when using this float under 11 months. Now that they are 16 months it's perfect and I love it! It does not tip when you take 1 baby out.