The hike up to where we took these rocky pictures was steep. (but no where near mount Olympus which I'll talk about later) it was just hard carrying the twins up!
I love Ryan's face in this one:
Kyler had his first sleep over at our house last week- His little cousins- they were so cute together!
He also had his first dentist appointment today, and did so good!
The twins met my granny and grandpa Schramm for the first time last week:
I love that we live close to so much family now! We also hung out with Meredith at T-point:
Kyler, Lyla, and Jared all got hit with a stomach bug a few weeks ago, it was so sad! but I loved the extra Lyla snuggles:
What pre-General Conference with kids looks like:
Jared and I are always having competitions with the twins. Who can change the diaper the fastest, who's twin can drink a bottle the fastest- You name it! In church we play who can get their baby to fall asleep the fastest:
I was curious what the twins would do if we put them in the same crib again. They mostly played. Then fell asleep probably 15 minutes later than normal. I kept going in to take pictures of them, because they kept moving around and they always looked so cute!
These were my favorite 2. Lyla snuggling with Ryan's leg:
and then they just looked like twins here: hah
Halloween jammies:
Speaking of working out. We hiked Mount Olympus last Saturday, and I was nowhere near prepared for it- but somehow made it up! Jared had been wanting to hike it for a while...because he stares at it out of his office building window:
So me, Jared, my bro in-law and my niece decided to do it- spur of the moment. I think it took us about 7 hours round trip. It was intense!
Almost to the top:
...I was sore for dayssss after the hike, but it was worth it!
The last 20 minutes of the hike were crazy! You have to scramble up these huge boulders:
Standing on a cliff: 9,500+ feet
Such a beautiful sunset on the way down!

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