The twins turned 14 months old!
Life with twins is getting a bit trickier now that Lyla is walking and climbing:
That poor lamp is on its' last leg.
She just wants to explore everything and has no fear of falling. I know it will only get crazier when Ryan starts to walk! He is content crawling for now. He is SUPER fast (he crawls on his hands and feet). Lyla is our walker and Ryan is our talker.
Kyler has been playing so nicely (most of the time) with the twins lately!
At church, Jared teaches sunday school (gospel doctrine) and I teach Relief Society. Sundays can be exhausting at times with the twins not being old enough for nursery yet... but it's worth it ;)
Jared has been on a bulking phase...which has caused some wardrobe malfunctions :p
... but he reached his goal and benched 315 lbs!!
Now, it's on the the cutting/weight loss phase. I love his enthusiasm for fitness. It helps keep me motivated :)
So much energy!
Lyla has always been a Mamma's girl. Ryan is usually so easy going and will go to anybody. However, lately, he has gotten very attached to daddy! He stood at the door and cried the other day after Jared left for work. It was so sad, but also kind of adorable. I texted Jared this picture and then scooped him up and took him outside to show him that daddy was gone. Just then, Jared pulled up in front of the house to say bye to Ryan one last time. So cute :)
Nobody was in the mood for a cute Valentines picture.
We went to my nephew's musical recently. I love musicals and I love that we live so close to so much family and get to go to these types of things! Plus... my nieces/nephews make great babysitters!
Jared and I (and most of his sibling and his parents) went to Maddox in Brigham city on Saturday to celebrate Valentine's Day, while the older cousins babysat. Jared's steak was huge.
I wasn't kidding.
Every time we see Jared's mom, she asks us when we are going back to Charlotte (she has issues with her memory). Her face is always priceless when we tell her we live in Utah now. Like it's the best news in the world! I love that we get to experience telling her that (and making her day) over and over again. :)
Bauer is starting to look a little older; his face is getting some grey hairs. Kinda sad.
Kyler is BFFs with his cousins. They had a little sleepover here last weekend.
I had strep throat two weeks ago. On Saturday night, Jared started to get a sore throat...and by Sunday it was hurting pretty bad and he had a fever. We thought if he was going to get strep from me, he would have gotten it a while ago... seeing as I had already finished my antibiotics, but I made him go to the doctor anyways just to get tested. Sure enough he had strep! I felt bad that we had hung out with so much family on Saturday, and many of them are now sick :( Typically babies under 2 don't get strep in their throats, but (rarely) they can get it in the form of another infection, and unfortunately Lyla was one of those rare cases, and got an infection on her finger, so she is on antibiotics too!
Hopefully this is the last sickness our house sees for a VERY long time.