The flight to NC was great! It was a Red Eye, and the kids all slept most of it!
Charlotte was hot and humid, but it was so fun watching all of the grandkids play together. This was one of our adventures in Uptown, we went on a trolly ride, to Imagine On and to a splash pad. Also, before we left to the beach, Kyler swam without floaties for the first time in Schramma's pool, and the twins got brave and jumped in (with their heads going under water) several times.
We got to see our dear friends, the Shufords and met baby Anderson!
One big happy family!
The LL was AMAZING. The weather was perfect, and spending time with family was the best.
We miss these sweet friends of ours :(
Zoey and her friend Ev
Babies all born a few weeks apart!
I'm not sure how time flies so fast :(
Kyler is still warming up to 1st grade. This is his first time having to go to school all day. He's adjusting well though. His teacher's name is Mrs. Lunceford.
Zoey is such an easy baby!
We went raspberry picking at Mc Brides Briar patch (a summer tradition of ours!)
Life with only these 3 littles home during the day is going pretty good. Some days are hard, but I know they grow up so fast, and I'm enjoying my time at home with them.
For mine and Jared's 8th anniversary, went to the Cheesecake Factory, and then shopping at the mall. We both got new shoes for our gifts to each other haha. I needed new running shoes! (our real gift was the trip to NC!). We just got back into our normal gym routine, and started dieting. Time to lose the baby weight! The pic below was on my 29th birthday. I love my family, and they are my most precious gift of all.
I served dinner at the Ronald McDonald house with some friends. Such a humbling experience. We are so blessed!
Smiley girl here got her surgery scheduled for December 22nd! She was born with a large birthmark (it's actually classified as a medium sized nevus aka mole) on her head and it needs removal.
Jared's mom got moved into a nursing home. It was time. It's so sad, but very much needed. She was a champ through the moving process. She lives closer to us now, and is getting the care she needs. I love her so much. She's the sweetest person I've ever met in my life. Even with dementia.
Lastly, I'll just drop a few pictures I took of the 3 youngest that I took for work!

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