Also, side note…the website I used to reserve the domain is charging to renew in January and I really don't care about it that much sooo I THINK in another month or two it will go back to but I'm not sure exactly how it works so that will be interesting.
I guess I'll just do a quick update on each of us!
Jared and I: We've been hitting the gym most everyday lately! Jared lifts with his brother, Mark and I have been doing the same BBG workouts that I did last year before getting pregnant with Zoey. It's so nice being able to workout again. We've both been dieting pretty hard and have lost tons of weight. We celebrated Jared's 34th birthday. We went to a Brazilian steakhouse for dinner, and saw Thor a few weeks later. Jared is going through huge changes at work. His entire department is getting eliminated/reorganized. So we will just have to wait and see what he will be doing in a few weeks! Work for me has been busy, but good.
Kyler: is 7 years old! He had his first "real" birthday party. We usually just do a small parties with family, but he had about 10 little friends over to our house this year. He requested McDonalds for dinner LOL, and then we did some games/activities. 1st grade is going pretty well. He struggles with his handwriting, but he likes his teacher, and is starting to make more friends. At home, he still loves to be very "bossy" to the twins and the newness of having baby Zoey around is wearing off, so he is starting to view holding her as a chore…darn!
Ryan: is talking! Finally! He is actually saying more words/sentences than Lyla now. I wouldn't consider either of them great talkers, but they are learning/improving and that's all that matters. Ryan has such a sweet, easy-going, silly personality. He's really good at figuring out how to put things together, and is so sweet to share and "give in" when Lyla wants something that he has. We tried potty training, but he still isn't ready. We tried for an entire week, and he never once made it to the toilet (even taking him to sit every 10 min) He would get so sad/sorry each time he had an accident, so I think he just needs a little more time to learn.
Lyla: is potty trained! Mostly. It's a process, but she has been doing so good! She is still working on #2s but she will get there. She is obsessed with Zoey and making sure she has a binky and has also been a mama's girl lately, and just loves to be held and right next to me all day. Lyla broke her arm again :(. I put the twins down for their nap like normal (they still take a good 2 hr nap everyday BTW!) and I heard some giggling, then heard a thump and crying. I ran upstairs and she was out of her crib, so I can only assume she tried to climb out and fell? Maybe Ryan threw a blanket out? or they were just playing? She had never ever tried to climb out of her crib before…neither had Ryan! So sad :( She had to get the bone set back in place under anesthesia at the hospital. It was so hard to see her go through that. We tried toddler beds for a week or so, but it didn't work out with twin two year olds sharing a room (Kyler was in a toddler bed before he was two and did just fine) but the twins kept fighting and playing and keeping each other awake. Which... resulted in them being cranky from lack of sleep. So we ended up purchasing crib tents off of amazon, and they have been a life saver!
Zoey: is 5 months old! She is such a blessing to our family. She has the sweetest personality, and is such an easy baby! Seriously, she is so smiley and brightens our home. She started rolling over both ways at 4 months, and I'm going to guess she is about 14 lbs right now. We switched her to formula and she will start solids soon! She sleeps 8-9 hour stretches at night and it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
Jared's family had a photographer take some family pictures in October. We had his entire side of the family there. Austin is home from his mission in CA and this was a few weeks before Ambree left on her mission to Canada. It was cold and raining, and the kids were cranky, but they are fun to look back on.
My parents came to visit in early October! It's always so fun when they are in town. Gabby and Nathan were baptized, and Jared blessed Zoey in church!
We went cheap on the costumes this year for Halloween. Kyler was a SWAT policeman (borrowed costume from cousin) Lyla was Cinderella (hand-me-down dress from cousin) Ryan was cookie monster (hand-me-down costume from Kyler) and Zoey was a mermaid (handmade costume from Aunt Mere)

How old are the twins? I can't remember. My toddler turned two a month ago and I feel like he is behind on talking. I am not really worried because I feel like one of these days he will just get it. He totally understands everything we say and can say words but I feel like he should be saying more.
ReplyDeleteThey just turned three last week! Mine were hardly talking at two. Two and a half is when they started talking more. I feel like :)
DeleteThank you so much!!