With Zoey being sick in the hospital at the end of January, things have been chaotic and blogging has slipped my mind!
But let's start at the beginning of January. We spent New Year's eve with Jared's side of the fam. Lyla got so tired and fell asleep on the stairs around 10 pm.
Jared had a few extra days off of work, and one warm afternoon we went on a walk and skipped rocks on a few leftover icy spots on our neighborhood lake.
Zoey finally started eating real baby food!
With Zoey having surgery, and then getting sick in the hospital, she is 8 months now and still 16 lbs~!
The twins started going to primary at church! Ryan has adjusted great, and it's a process for Lyla. They sure do make cute Sunbeams!
Kyler is so creative and has LOVED making crafts lately. Especially different things out of paper and tape!
My Grandpa passed away, and we attended his funeral in Logan, Utah.
My mom and all of her siblings together!
We got to hang out with my parents for a few days...
We've had such a mild winter here in Utah this year. I think it has snowed twice. This is such a sad small snowman haha:
Shortly after my parents left, Zoey got a mild cold. No fever. No cough. Just a little runny nose. But Thursday evening, we noticed she was breathing really fast, and saw some retractions. So, I took her in to our local instacare (expecting they would give her a breathing treatment and send us home) but they checked her oxygen levels and they were scary low, so they put her on oxygen and admitted us to the hospital right then and there. She struggled really hard with her breathing and ended up on a high flow oxygen machine and stayed nearly a week in the hospital! It was so sad, scary and hard seeing her sick like that in the hospital, and then juggling sick twins at home! but we had a lot of wonderful friends and family jump at the opportunity to help us and I am so thankful for them. I'm SOOOO glad she is better and things are starting to get back to normal around here!
The moment Zoey saw Kyler for the first time after being in the hospital for a week was a moment I will never forget. The way her face lit up melted my mama heart!
They missed each other.
Her last bottle in the hospital before we took her home!
Soon after we got home from the hospital, I noticed that Zoey's mole appears to be growing. The pictures on the left was right after surgery and the picture on the right is 6 weeks later… I had it checked out by her pediatrician, and then we moved her next appointment with her surgeon up a month!
Zoey and her church friends out on a lunch date. All born within a few weeks of each other!
Valentines Day was great! We went to Maddox with Jared's siblings, and spoiled each other with gifts too this year!
This needs documentation. Ryan peed on the potty for the first time in his life this week!! Neither of the twins are fully potty trained yet though…Lyla has had some regression.
We renewed our aquarium membership. We love that place! We brought cousin dani with us this week!
My little "pizza monster" and swim babe :) I love these 3 year olds.
Baby friends in cloth diapers!
…and their big sisters :)

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