Several big things happened this month. Our twinsies turned THREE! Jared got a new job with Intermountain! Lyla got her cast off! Zoey had surgery! We celebrated Christmas! Whew, it has been a busy and crazy month.
We just celebrated with just our family for their 3rd birthday, and they loved it!
Christmas lights at temple square were awesome this year. We went early in the month on a warm day and it wasn't too crowded.
This was when Lyla got her purple cast off and her smaller pink one on.
Zoey ate her first rice cereal this month.
We had a few days this month that were frosty and foggy out…it was kind of neat!
One of the last pictures of Zoey's mole
The twins 3 year checkup. They were so well behaved. I believe Ryan was 27lbs and Lyla was 29lbs and 2 inches taller.
We sold the entertainment center that jared re-finished because we got a new bigger tv that wouldn't fit in it.
Zoey turned 6 months old!
One of my friends, Savannah has a little girls that are close to my girls ages. So fun.
Lyla got her final cast off! Heres to hoping we never have another broken bone in our fam!
I'm pretty sure I've already written about this on the blog, but Zoey was born with a congenital melanocytes nevus on her head. Basically, it's a mole, and because hers was large, irregular shaped, and discolored, it was at increased risk for developing melanoma. Also, with it being on top of her head, it would get maximum sun exposure, and would be hard to monitor as her hair grows over it. So, we decided it would be best to have it removed now, rather than wait until it becomes a problem later, and is harder to remove as she grows. Plus, her skin stretches and heals faster in infancy, and she already doesn't have a lot of hair, so shaving it wasn't as big of an issue now as it would've been as she got older. It's nice to have peace of mind that she won't get melanoma in that spot.
Seeing her wake up from the anesthesia was hard on my momma heart. Her heart rate was higher than they wanted (in the 200s) but it came down within a few hours, and she has been doing great ever since.
The nurse tried to make her head wrap cute by adding bunny ears, but they looked more like bug antennas haha.
I didn't take many pictures on christmas :( but it was a good one! The new TV and wii was our main family present. Jared got an apple watch. I got a fitbit. Kyler got a Gizmo phone watch. Lyla got a baby doll crib, and Ryan got a tool kit toy. Zoey got a new blanket….then everyone got a bunch of smaller gifts…Santa was good this year!
We had Jared's family over to our house for Christmas dinner, and we got to take Zoey's head wrap off. She's the cutest bald baby!
The surgeon cut the middle of her mole out and stitched the two sides together. She will have another surgery in a few months to get the rest of it, and he will cut this scar out and replace it with a smaller one.
We took the kids sledding the day after Christmas, and they LOVED it!
Zoey just sat and watched and smiled at us :)
It was a warm day!

Baby surgeries are so hard especially watching them walk off with your little one. So glad everything went well!