We played Frisbee Golf last weekend with our friends Aaron and Courtney Foye, and Garrett and Ashley Tracy in Idaho Falls. It was a pretty good course, but hard to play in the wind. We saw this tree and thought it would make a good picture spot. I like it.

Bauer is getting HUGE! Last week he was 12lbs...this week he is 17! Look how long his legs are now. Anyways, his potty training is going well. He rings the bells we have hanging on the door when he needs to go out. (which is about 50 times a day it seems) but he is cute, that's my long skinny puppy!

We are standing on a frozen pond in this picture. It was about a 20 inches thick where we were standing, but Jared and Garrett made the mistake of walking on ice that was near the running water (which was only 4 inches thick)...I was turned around walking back when I heard "crackle crackle CRACKLE..AAhhhhhhhhhhhh RUN!!!" and turned around to see Jared and Garrett safely back on the thick ice laughing, while behind them the ice was completely cracked and floating on the water. Crazy boys.

We wanted to see how Bauer would react to the ducks. We were hoping he would chase them around and show them who's boss. However, most of the ducks were twice as big as Bauer...and he ran away from them. Hahah! Maybe in a few weeks he'll start chasing them.

I decided to do cheerleading this semester, because I graduate in July, and this was my last chance to cheer. As you can tell, we had a HUGE team. I think it was 10 guys and 22 girls. It was kinda hard cheering this semester because our coach kept switching our stunt groups around. But it made things interesting (thats me on the top right). I was a flyer most of the time, but I got to base and front a little bit, AND I got to back spot for my first time ever! haha I'm way too short to back, but it was fun trying it out.